Sunday, August 2, 2015

My Wish

Somewhere within these pages, in a faraway land a long time ago, I introduced the concept of parental happiness.

Or happiness once removed.

It fascinates me that I can feel genuine happiness through the accomplishments and happiness of my sons.

I feel that happiness in the exact same way that I feel happiness at anything positive that happens to Carol and me.

There is no distinction to the feeling; no variation or difference.

It is from the heart and in the gut.

I imagine only good parents experience this feeling and I do not hesitate to describe myself and Carol as good parents.

As you know there are many people out there who should never have had children. Real lowlifes.

People who engaged in sex and accidentally produced children. People who resent their kids. People who ignore and emotionally and physically abuse their kids. People who blame their kids for every problem.

Carol and I are not perfect parents. We made our mistakes. But there has never been and never will be a time that we don't think of Keith and Craig as miracles. As precious life forms to be loved and appreciated.

Anyway................... we are swimming in happiness right now.

Keith just landed a primo job. A job that pays so well it will radically alter his and Emily's life by introducing the concept of breathing room.

A rare commodity.

More importantly, the job is one that he coveted. He wanted this job, he went after it and he got it.

I have always respected Keith for knowing what he wanted at an early age and for going after it and getting it.

A one in a billion reality.
 Pride is not a big enough word to describe Carol's and my feelings.

I think the word I am searching for is love.

Craig and Karen just bought a condo. Up until now they have rented. This is their first property as owners, their first official home.

They are moving today even as we speak. Carol and I are motoring over there later today with a bottle of champagne.

Craig has transformed himself from a nutso college dude into a hard working, responsible provider with an unquenchable addiction to golf.

He is a completely different person than he was when we first dropped him off at Keene State and is occupying an entirely different space in this universe.

Fortunately he still maintains his sense of humor and positive attitude, which is infectious.

Pride is not a big enough word to describe Carol's and my feelings.

I think the word I am searching for is love.

Our sons are doing well and Carol and I are feeling pure happiness. Keith and Craig are making our lives better and more enjoyable through their success and happiness.

What a rare and special gift.

I hope it spreads. This family and extended family has endured so much pain in such a short time.

So much pain.

My wish is that Keith and Craig's successes spark a run of good luck and happiness throughout the family.

We need it. We deserve it.

Congratulations to our two amazing sons from your loving parents.

Thank you for continuing to bring happiness into our life.

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