Thursday, January 27, 2022


My son Keith had to put down his dog Cooper last night.

This is the end none of us pet lovers consider when we first bring an animal into our life.

It is enormously painful.

Cooper was 14 years old, and had a difficult life. 

He had an accident many years ago on a winter night that damaged his spine and required immediate surgery. Since then he has had a great deal of difficulty getting around. He needed therapy and lots of special attention from Keith. This went on up until last night, so it has been a long, challenging situation.

But Keith loved Cooper. He did everything it took to help him at the cost of a lot of money and a lot of time and sacrifice.

Keith's relationship with Cooper was the ultimate testimony for the intensity of love between a human and a pet. A perfect example of what that love should look like. I am convinced that many people would have given up on Cooper many years ago just because of the sheer amount of effort it took to care for him. 

Cooper recently got to the point that he was practically immobile and Keith knew the end was near - that he would have to make a difficult call. But Cooper had two seizures last night and that forced the decision.

Cooper had a difficult personality. I could never get close to him. He would bark and snarl and keep me at a distance. This bothered me forever because I loved him and I consider myself a friend to all animals and all children.

But it was never about me. Why should it be? My relationship with Cooper was irrelevant; what mattered was that Cooper had Keith. And thank god for that.

Keith was his protector. Pure and simple. Cooper knew that despite his physical handicaps Keith would always be there to help him, get him around, make him as comfortable as possible and give him the love he needed. I know they had many happy moments together no matter what was going on - moments when Keith could laugh and Cooper could feel happiness.

Every animal deserves that. Not all of them get it.

Love and sensitivity are the qualities that define a human being. I don't give a damn what else you have going on in your life - if you cannot offer love, you got nothing.

I respect Keith for many, many reasons. The love and caring that he showed Cooper under difficult circumstances and over a long period of time tells me a lot about the kind of man that he is. He never gave up. Never.

I was aware over the years of most of what was involved in caring for Cooper. Trips to the vet, endless trips to rehab, adapting to more challenges as Cooper got older and his needs increased. Keith stepped up every time.

Because he loved Cooper.

It is as simple as that. This is a story of pure love. Period. Love drove every decision, love defined the relationship.

This is what animals crave. They need to trust the human who takes care of them, they need to feel comfortable and protected. But what they need above all else is love. They need to be hugged and held and patted and kissed. They seek it out. Animals are instinctual, and there is nothing more instinctual and powerful and life-nurturing than wanting to be loved.

My heart is broken today because Keith's heart is broken. I am thankful that he has Krista - she will take care of him; I am thankful that he has Jack (his cat). He won't be alone.

But he will be alone with his memories of Cooper.

Keith loved Cooper. Cooper loved Keith.

That's all that matters.

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