Carol and I made a donation yesterday to World Central Kitchen. You should do the same.
It is a spectacular organization founded by a spectacular man. Chef Jose Andres. Check him out. He is a God.
His organization travels all over the world to feed desperate people in crisis situations. They are feeding people in Ukraine as we speak.
We were furious when putin began his reign of terror in Ukraine, and our anger has intensified daily. We were sitting comfortably yesterday morning, eating omelettes, sausage and toast, watching coverage of Ukraine and feeling guilty. We had to do something.
Ukraine has negotiated temporary cease fires with Russia twice, so innocent civilians could travel to safety. Bus transportation was arranged, but both times putin violated the agreements and attacked civilians so they could not escape.
Can you imagine the horror these people felt after being given hope of survival, then having that hope yanked away from them? Being told to go back to their homes which were under attack?
putin is a fucking sadist. A deranged lunatic who happens to control the fate of 146 million Russians and, for now, the fate of 41 million Ukrainians.
putin is hitler is trump. Remember that.
The United States delayed getting involved in WWII because we didn't think it was our problem. Until it was. Until it became apparent that there was a madman determined to rule the world.
The same thing is happening here. Nato nations refuse to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine. They are afraid it will trigger WWIII. Afraid nuclear bombs will come into play. Sounds like hyperbole but it is not.
No one believed a second world war could happen. No one believed a fucking lunatic would exterminate 6 million Jewish people with mass shootings, extermination through labor, and in gas chambers.
Does it even sound real to you?
WWIII can happen. Nuclear war can happen. If Nato does not declare Ukraine a no-fly zone, Ukraine will be destroyed. It is a delicate situation. History teaches us that no level of genocide is unimagineable. I do not envy the people making these decisions.
I am ripped apart every day watching footage of crying children, sobbing adults, bombed out homes and cities. Thinking about the horror and unpredictability that has been forced into the lives of innocent civilians. It is always innocent civilans who suffer. Never politicians. They get richer, fatter and more corrupt. And more heartless. Including American politicians.
74 million people voted for trump in 2020. Those who did, better educate themselves. trump is a sadist and a deranged lunatic. If he gets back into the White House he will bring putin's mentality with him. Only trump is infinitely less intelligent. He will destroy this country. He will destroy the lives of the people who vote for him. People who believe he is on their side. He is not. He despises you. The only thing he likes about you is his ability to manipulate you.
But that is a future concern. Right now we have to deal with putin.
I sincerely hope he is assassinated.
I sincerely hope a Ukrainian pulls the trigger.
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