I am in a very dangerous place. On Saturday I will be in the tenth day of ten days in a row at work with no days off. Working 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
On Saturday THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS play the denver broncos for the AFC Divisional title at 8:00 p.m..
On Saturday I will be watching the game at Paula and Bill's house.
This is a home where alcohol abuse and drug use are condoned.
My twin weaknesses. Along with my all consuming passion..............................FOOTBALL.
It is impossible to predict how my mind and my body will react to all this insanity and passion and over-tiredness, and chemical and grain inspired stimulation.
Suffice it to say I will not remember the ride home. It's even possible I may not remember the game. Thank god I have the NFL network to show me the replay of THE PATS victory 254 times during the week.
I am looking forward to this night more than a convict looks forward to release after serving 44 years in maximum security prison. More than that same prisoner looks forward to encountering his first woman in 44 years, after bunking with Bubba.
I hunger for Saturday night. Gotta get through three more days of work first.
Piece of cake.
I am a machine. I will grind it out. And on Saturday I will do what football fans do - LOSE MY MIND. Forget everything else in my life and focus on one football game. One football game that means everything.
Until next week.
I NEED to get this out of my system. As THE PATS progress, I cannot be watching them covered in drool and sweat and blood, projecting vile whiskey breath and brain damage in front of the rest of my family.
Paula and Bill get it. They understand fanatic insanity and know how to make room for whiskey abuse, beer manipulation, and pot over-indulgence.
Pray for me.
Fervently wish that my head does not explode. Carol will not be inspired to scrape bits of my brain off of P&B's walls.
OK. That's it. It's only Wednesday, for Christ sake.
I gotta maintain.
It's a goddamn challenge.
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