Friday, January 6, 2012

What I Know About Life

Life is absolutely designed to crush you down, torture you and defeat you. That's just the way it is. At least for the little guy. The big guys have divine permission to lie, cheat and steal their way to richness.
Please explain that Jesus.
And I am not talking about the fact that from birth we are inexorably crawling towards death. I'm talking about the other stuff. The trying to survive, the trying to become fulfilled, the trying to squeeze a little happiness out of your life as you crawl stuff
I set myself up to run roaring into 2012. Instead I am lying on my side gasping for air like a fish out of water. I am depressed. A little touchy. Actually deep down angry. Sick. Tired. Overworked. For the last two weeks.
That is harsh reality folks. You struggle mightily to set the train on the right track thinking that after breaking your back to get it there you will make progress. Life steps in laughing and slaps you down, forces you off course, bends your spine at an impossible angle so that the slightest turn in the wrong direction will snap it.
I wrote a blurb about loving as many things as you can. I love my new seat warmer that Carol gave me for my birthday. The heater in my truck is not impressive and I suffer horrifically in the cold. Suddenly my ass and back are warm. In fact my ass and back are currently the happiest parts of my anatomy. Strap the damn thing to the seat, plug it into the dashboard outlet and whammo, warmth seeps.
So I have that in 2012. It is the focus of all my happiness in 2012. Two minutes down the road and a smile creeps across my face. I haven't even used the high setting yet. Don't need it. Actually had to shut this magical beast off one day. TOO WARM.
So 6 days into 2012 I have a happy ass and a happy back. They are kindling in the fire of success. They will keep me afloat, getting me just enough oxygen to survive this rough patch.
Not a bad place to start. I can build a life from there.
Ciao, baby.

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