Haven't written a word in a couple of days. Torture for me because this is really the only way I communicate. Everything else is blurred by static and confusion and opinions and pettiness and people who don't listen, don't care, don't feel, don't live.
However I know this has been a wonderful breather for you. "Thank god Krazy Joe hasn't written anything. He vibrates my mind with insanity and passion and it is sometimes too much for me to bear."
Well strap in, Bubba. I'm back.
At a republican presidential candidate comedic performance/debate earlier this week, Gingrich said President Obama is the most dangerous president of our lifetime. These are not words born of intelligent analysis or critical insight. These are words meant to incite.
These words got applause.
He is playing a dangerous game and the American public is lapping it up like mindless dogs. Because there is an undercurrent which is really an overcurrent (if there really is such a thing) of viciousness, racism and stupidity directed at President Obama. Gingrich knows it, he knows how dangerous this situation is and he exploits it.
Comments like that should automatically disqualify him as a presidential candidate. And maybe they will, if the Amercian public gets their head out of their ass. I will contain my optimism on that point.
Gingrich won South Carolina. Sickening. Makes me consider boycotting ever visiting there BUT Gregg Allman lives there. What am I to do?
On Fox, Gingrich said President Obama is potentially the most dangerous president because he misunderstands reality, he bullies our allies, insults our enemies, and uses words as a substitute for reality.
Gingrich is knowledgeable, he is not a stupid man when it comes to keeping facts in his head, and he comes across as an expert on foreign policy. It's easy for him to project this image because the American public does not understand foreign policy. I know I don't. So many countries, so many types of leadership, so hard to understand who is on this side and who is on that side. He only has to know a little more than the rest of us to project authority. Doesn't matter if he speaks the truth or not.
Fear of terrorism has been overshadowed by fear of poverty, fear of job loss, fear of the loss of social security, medicare and medicaid, fear of the loss of dignity, fear of a hopeless life cut short by misery and suffering.
But fear of terrorism is still out there. Easily manipulated to rouse the mindless to wave flags and encourage the killing of all Muslims.
Gingrich is appealing to the basest elements of human nature. Dark hatred that used to hide just below the surface that now is openly accepted as political criticism.
Newt Gingrich is a despicable man. A cretin of morality. He is negative, combative and enjoys manipulating the minds of those whose only challenge is deciding every night whether or not to stare at the TV or stare at the wall.
This is indeed a dangerous time for America. Because of people like him. Racist, no concern for the working class backbone of this country, no concern for anything that doesn't line his pockets.
As he campaigns, he continues to enrich himself by plugging his books. He can't lose. But even if he doesn't consider losing the nomination a big deal, I do. People like him need to return to the swamps from which they arose and wallow privately in their own cold hearted stench.
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