Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Odd Sensation

Being pulled out of myself, outside myself. Hearing words coming out of my mouth that are not mine to say. Words at severe odds with who I am, how I think. Words that if I heard them coming from someone else's mouth I would think "What a turd."

I walk differently. Doesn't feel right.

There is a blur, a Vaseline thick haze around me; I swear sometimes in my periphery I see blurred ragged lines as if who I am and what I am doing at that moment is so out of character that it creates an atmospheric backlash. Turbulence. Disturbance.

It feels like I am acting, which as I ponder this, is actually true. Acting to match an image in my head or an image forced upon me by the people and the situation.

Makes for a long day.

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