Thursday, April 25, 2013

Only An Intrusion

When Randall P. McMurphy was admitted to the asylum, he was bemused. Laughing at, laughing with, checking out and trying to help the inmates. Investigating their idiosyncracies, wondering at their mind confusion.

Eventually the darkness set in and Randall was cruelly lobotomized and mercifully suffocated.

This is exactly what I am experiencing with the new job.

I have gone beyond bemused and am trying to avoid being cruelly lobotomized and mercifully suffocated.

So imagine my delight when I got out of work last night and it was 70 degrees. Rolling home with both windows of the truck down and my hair blowing in the breeze.

Thinking to myself when I got home I would drag Carol out to the garden and inhale some peace and beauty. Then thinking to myself when I get home she will already be sitting by the garden.

She was.

I rushed into the house, grabbed a beer and rushed outside to meet the challenge of coming alive to, being alert to, nature.

We spent an hour in quiet conversation. Listening to the birds sing, watching them fly, digging them landing on the feeders and chowing down. Hopping around the lawn happily and unafraid.

We felt the breeze, the warmth. The trees towered above us, swaying gently, peaceful giants that they are.

It was a magnificent moment.


That was my day.

The asylum was only an intrusion.


  1. Excuse me but...what hair?

  2. We all have our own asylum, intrusion, or whatever you want to call it.

    If we are lucky we have a job to go to. Some of us are also dealing with sick relatives, unemployment, or the most devastating of all, being terminally ill our self.

    I am insulted that you think you are above living like the rest of us!

    Since I started reading your blog you have had at least 3 different jobs. After a very short time at each one you have come to hate it.

    We all do what we need to do to get by.

    At least you have money in your pocket, a roof over your head, food on your table and someone to go home to each and every night (your wife and your cats). Think of how many people have none of that. Some are so sick they are actually counting the days they have left to live. How many people do you know who complain about their everyday life as much as you do?

    There are many who have none of what you have. You should be counting your blessings rather than feeling sorry for yourself because your job is not all you thought it might be. Get over it!!!

    I wish you much peace in your life but I doubt you will ever find it until you learn to really appreciate what you already have.

    A New Reader
    I am no longer a new reader but I will continue to sign this way
