Politicians who oppose gun control legislation say it would do nothing to reduce gun violence.
What these cowards should say is "The NRA contributes mightily to my re-election campaign fund and I am not going to let dead children shut off the money faucet." And if they really want to be truthful they should say "Besides, I need all the illegal money the NRA funnels to me personally so I can continue to live like a king while the rest of society struggles to afford their next meal."
Our country is run by cowardly scum. Scum who are bought and paid for by huge corporations and organizations who care only about increasing profits. Who care only about increasing the scope of their influence.
Politicians are supposed to represent the people that elected them. An overwhelming majority of Americans support an assault weapons ban, a ban on over sized magazine clips, and background checks. When Congress acts against the will of the majority, there should be a legal response available to force them to to do as the people ask. At the very least I would suggest that we hold up, one by one, pictures of the 26 innocent lives that were massacred in Connecticut. Go to each dissenting Congressman, put the picture right in their face and read to them the life history of each of these kids.
It wouldn't take long. They were only alive for the briefest of moments.
I would suggest that, except for the fact that these Congressmen are ghouls. Zombies and vampires. They literally have no soul, no heart. In this wonderful country of ours, once you get elected you can do whatever you want to do. Gleefully roll around in the mud of graft and back room politics, lying, cheating and stealing You can screw your constituents and not worry about getting re-elected because the big money interests will grease your way to another term whether your constituents want you there or not.
It is a sad commentary on our political system when the people in power do nothing to protect the safety, the financial stability, the health, and the future of the citizens of this country. These politicians abandon us completely while they get richer and more powerful.
This sound like democracy to you?
I am amused at how twisted the worship of the second amendment has become. It is as if Jesus himself came down on an off day and said "The people must have guns. Heaven is a big place; there is plenty of room for innocent souls. I cannot create enough ways for people to die, so I count on diseased gun owners to accelerate the pace."
The people who hysterically rant about "my second amendment rights, my second amendment rights" are beer bellied, saliva drooling, knee jerk, flag waving cretins. That is not a description of all gun owners; only those to whom it is a cult, a religion. The NRA fans the flames of this hysteria even though they could care less about these people. The NRA is fat, conniving and rich. They are not interested in the lives of these people other than to encourage them to buy more guns. The NRA works along with gun manufacturers to increase gun sales; the NRA works in Congress to increase their power. That is all they care about.
Then they sit back and laugh at the cave men they have just armed. Laugh at how easy they are to exploit and manipulate.
I am willing to bet that the NRA and those mindless gun owners laughed at President Obama's reaction to the stupidity of Congress yesterday. I am willing to bet they laughed at the reaction of grieving parents.
This is who we are dealing with.
I don't care who the hell you are. You do not need assault weapons. You do not need over sized clips. Period. There is no situation where you can defend the need for these things. And you should be forced to submit to background checks.
These things will not stop the violence in this country. You would have to increase the intellect of Americans to do that and I think we are beyond intellectual redemption. You would have to heal the diseased culture in this country and I believe there is no medication powerful enough to do that.
But you have to at least take steps to make it harder for morons and murderers to get guns.
Congress acted against the will of the people yesterday.
They should be swiftly and severely punished for that.
Instead today, they will be smoking fat cigars, eating steak, swilling expensive Scotch and laughing at us for thinking we have any influence over them.
They are as guilty, cold and immoral as any killer, maybe more so, because they are aware of the consequences of their actions and they feel nothing. They do nothing.
These people are vile. These people are our government.
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