Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Deeper You Go

Diggin' on a CD by some guy named Spencer Day. This is a one hit wonder CD, you know, one where you hear a song that you absolutely have to own so you buy the CD and every other song on it is questionable.

At least that's the way it was. I dug it out of the pile yesterday and found as I listened to it that I dug a lot of his lyrics. Funny how time changes things.

I didn't even get to THE song so I have to cart the damn CD along again today. CD's are so cumbersome. And yeah, I know I could have skipped tracks to get to THE song but I decided to experience the CD in its entirety.

Glad I did.

Got a song on there called Joe. Got a line in there that goes: "Joe did you know that we never meant to hurt you or your pride? Joe I tried, but I never understood your pain."

I am always searching for ways to unite humanity. We are all little human slugs slithering our way through life. All of us in the same boat. We all hate our jobs, none of us makes enough money, no one is living the life they thought they would live and we all know we are going to die.

Those few facts alone should unite us. Influence us to not hurt each other. Influence us to empathize with one another. Provoke us to get a long.

"I never understood your pain."

Everybody carries some pain around with them. And nobody really understands what that is. What is pain to one human might mean nothing to another. But that other person has their own personal pain.
Which is why we all need our own personal Jesus. Maybe that is what we are looking for when we search for love.

We should recognize that everybody suffers in their own way and we should give them some ground. Cut them some slack. Go out of our way not to introduce more pain into each person's life.

Humans are too stupid for that. I experience this stupidity in intense form every day. The people I work with have brains that are so small, sometimes when they cock their head, the brain rolls out their ear like a little pea. You have to bend over and pick it up and say "Here, you dropped your brain." Often they respond "Wow, it's getting bigger."

This crowd is vicious, petty, lying, lazy, calculating and ignorant. I have never experienced anything like it in forty years of work.

But why? Why are they like this?

We all work for the same corrupt and exploitative employer, we all do the same work,  we all work weird hours, and we all have one goal - make the store pretty.

What is it that prevents us from recognizing we are all sharing one experience and figuring out how to get along?

Instead this crowd goes out of the way to increase everybody else's pain.

This is one precise example. Expand the scenario to the scope of the world's stage and the illogic still applies.

The chorus to the song says "and the further you get and the deeper you go, the more you will find yourself alone, the higher you fly, the harder you fall."

My pea sized brain interprets this to mean the deeper you get into yourself, the more you understand yourself, the more you live your life in accordance with you, the more alone you become.

Because you transcend the pettiness, you break the cycle and there are not a lot of humans out on that frontier.

Those are my thoughts. You may think they are a bunch of crap.

That really pisses me off.

But then again, I never understood your pain.

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