Thursday, February 16, 2023


Customer walked into the box office yesterday and immediately began to annoy me.

At a very high level. The kind of flaming asshole who asks questions - hundreds of them - stupid, uninformed and annoying - and never waits for me to complete my answer. Cuts me off every single time.

I fucking hate people like that. HATE THEM. I was ready to kill 15 seconds into this transaction.

If she just fucking listened to me, allowed me to educate and guide her, we would have been done a lot quicker. It got to the point where I raised my voice and started cutting her off.

If violence was a virtue in this society (and I am not sure it isn't), if I knew I would be rewarded for physically punishing this person for being so obviously fucking rude, so fucking insulting, so fucking stupid, I would have knocked her fucking teeth down her throat.

I was that mad.

But I didn't do it. The only punishment I could mete out was to not say "Thank you so much." That is the wimpy, ass-licking line I usually say to customers upon concluding a sale. It is mealy-mouthed and weak, but I am forced to make concessions upon my nature because of the nature of the job.

That was the best I could do. I mutely handed her the fucking tickets. I said nothing.

Then I tried to kill her with my Murder-Vision as she walked out the door.

Hopefully she fell dead to the street just as she reached her parked car.

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