Monday, July 22, 2024

A Walker; Crutches....................

Got me a walker, got me some crutches.

I am ready to go. But it is disturbing to see these goddamn things in Carol's craft room every time I walk by. A reminder of what's to come - in more ways than one. Now, and in ten years, fifteen years??????

Oh well - what the fuck. I need the knee replacement and know it is the right thing to do. I've tried everything else with this goddamn thing - it's time to try some new hardware. I will need crutches for sure, maybe the walker - but a month after that I'll be dancing the ballet.

As far as a walker down the road, I prefer not to think about it - I don't like the visual. I take pretty good care of myself, I exercise (like a pig-donkey) a lot and pretty strenuously. Barring health catastrophes I should be mobile and independent for many years to come.

After surgery I will technically be Super Human - invincible and bionic. Recovery will be a month of commitment, inconvenience, and discomfort. Once I get through that I will literally be Super Human -  a NEW MAN.

The first thing I'm gonna do with my new leg is kick your ass.

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