Tuesday, December 6, 2011


As I was stewing over idiot republicans kissing Trump's ass, it occurred to me the Mayans might have it right. End of the world on 12/21/12. The Presidential election is on November 6, 2012. It makes perfect sense.
If American voters continue to worship reality TV, and allow their prejudices and lack of knowledge to be manipulated by rich republicans, we could end up with a republican in the White House.
Having sealed the deal, the president-elect would then say or do something so stupid that even the American public would wake up and say "My god, what have we done?" Kind of like the way the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences reacted after awarding a Grammy to Milli Vanilli.
But it would be too late. Voters' inability to reverse the election results (horrifying deja vu from the 2000 election) would result in rioting in the streets, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. The United States would plunge into violence and mayhem and be totally destroyed, dragging the rest of the world down with it.
However, while researching the 12/21/12 thing, I came across an interesting interpretation. This presents the point of view that "an apocalypse is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception. Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age, but do not prophesize that everything will come to an end. This is a time of transition from one World Age to another. The message is that we have a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility."
I love this. You cannot deny that we live in an age of falsehoods and misconception. You cannot deny that we are on the precipice, that this is a time of transition, and we have a world altering choice to make.
President Barack Obama or Milli Vanilli.
Of course right now the American public is too busy texting and tweeting and forwarding internet jokes and enjoying portable porn on their phone/camera/communication/glorified-toy devices, to be concerned about anything as trivial as a Presidential election.
Milli Vanilli represents resistance and cataclysmic change. President Barack Obama represents acceptance and gradual peace and tranquility. The trick is to get voters to realize this. How, I don't know.
Once people adopt a position they stick with it. It would be helpful to get MSNBC viewers to watch Fox and vica versa. Fox viewers would get facts, and maybe realize that they have a brain that can be actively engaged, rather than to mindlessly gobble up partisan propaganda, distorted information, and lies, while being distracted by the crossed legs of the Fox news babes. MSNBC viewers would enjoy the therapy of laughter, although John Stewart and Stephen Colbert provide a healthier outlet because they can distinguish between reality and fantasy.
I have a personal stake in believing the more positive 12/21/12 theory, because I have just discovered the concepts of hope and self improvement. It would really suck if Random House offered me a $750,000 book advance on 12/20/12 and I woke up to dogs and cats living together the next day.
We'll see. Its kind of cool to think the world might end in a year. We wouldn't have to work anymore or kiss the Mortgage Vampire's ass or eat Dinty Moore's beef stew. We'd find out if Jesus is a cool dude or just an imaginary friend.
I choose life. I have worked too hard and come too far in almost 58 years to get taken down by Milli Vanilli. If I have to be destroyed, let it be Air Supply.

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