Donald Trump will be hosting a republican debate on December 27th in Iowa. This is like choosing the homeless guy that hangs at the entrance of the plaza I work in with his cardboard sign, to host the next world economic summit. The state of Iowa should be expelled from the union for allowing this to happen.
First this asshead mocks the primary process by getting involved and then wasting voters and the medias time with the birther crap. He was toying with an incendiary topic that the American public laps up because they are racist and uneducated.
The republican "candidates" having been making pilgrimages to Trump towers to kiss his ring and no doubt a certain body part that is indistinguishable from his head. How unbelievably disgusting is this? I have gained a little respect for Huntsman because he has mocked the whole thing. But the others have no limit to how low they will go to exhibit their inherent stupidity and complete lack of regard for the potential ruin of this country. Apparently they believe their wealth will get them through the financial collapse of this country. They certainly cannot be relying on their own intelligence.
If the country does go down, I pray they do as well. I would love to come face to face with one of these fools, both of us in rags as we wrestle over a dented can of Chef Boyardee spaghettio's. After wrenching it out of their dainty hands I would spit in their face while uttering a four syllable word that would leave them permanently perplexed.
These people think they are invincible. They think they can waste four years riding out President Obama's first term, hoping to jump in in 2013. Meanwhile the entire world economy is collapsing.
I despise them and I despise the American public for allowing it to happen. The people in this country have mutated into obese, unintelligent, reality TV watching Dancing With the Stars worshipping cretins. They watch so much reality TV they don't even know what reality is anymore. Fat, dumb, broke and content.
The lofty ideals this country was founded on have been twisted into a complex scheme to create wealth at the expense of the average John (screw that Joe shit). And its a lot easier to accomplish this with a general population that is fat, dumb, broke and content.
OK that's the ranting part of today's equation. Let me try a little logic. I will grant you the right to be a republican. To have a point of view that is different than mine. But can you honestly support any of the republican "candidates" as a serious presidential contender? The only two that project a sense of stability are Romney and Huntsman. And I think if you do a little digging you might be disappointed there as well. And shouldn't republican voters be incensed at the games being played at the expense of the stability of this country? Why don't republicans stand up and demand a real candidate? Someone who will fight to save this country rather than fighting to defeat President Barack Obama. It is difficult for me to say this, but I am sure there are intelligent, informed republican voters out there. Are you telling me they are not disgusted by this freak show?
Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, a conservative former republican representative, said recently these times are too dangerous to change horses in mid stream. He is an arrogant, decidedly conservative guy who has a lot of negative things to say about President Barack Obama and the Democrats. But he has the intelligence and the guts to admit we cannot afford to boot The President out of office right now. I can respect him for that.
I think underlying that comment is an understanding that this President is remarkably intelligent. He may not be politically savvy but, given time, hopefully intelligence can win out over partisanship and pettiness. Underlying that comment as well is an understanding that the current crop of republican "candidates" is intellectually bereft.
So where are the other republicans with similar opinions? republicans should not be rising up against President Barack Obama, republicans should be rising up against their own presidential contenders.
I will keep hammering away at this. I cannot take the chance that your political opinion might be swayed by someone as grotesque and stupid and self serving as Newt Gingrich.
Don't worry, you don't have to rip yourself away from Dancing With The Stars, or even put down your triple extra thick bacon Velveeta cheese and Crisco burger. During a commercial break, just jump onto your computer phone (I'm sure it was already in your hand even as you watched the scintillating entertainment in front of you) and dial up my blog. I will keep you focused.
I'm sure the phone comes equipped with windshield wipers to swipe away the grease you drip onto the screen.
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