Thursday, August 1, 2013


I don't know what hope is.

I think it is a good thing to have if it is genuine, but I have no clue how to determine whether or not it is genuine.

I worry sometimes that hope is a concept dreamed up by those in control, the money men and the landed gentry, to keep us wee folk in our place.

Like self help books and seminars. People get caught up in an endless loop of "self helping" without ever helping themselves. The only people they help are the ones profiting from the books and seminars.

It is insidious because you want an answer, you want to change, but the "help" becomes ice over which you glide, never getting at what it is you need.

I think part of the problem is that we ache for comfort; we know we are really not accomplishing anything but it feels good to talk to somebody else who appears to care.

Gratefulness. That is a concept that is being sold to us. Be grateful for what you have instead of torturing yourself with what you want, be it material or spiritual.

This creates docility, which is exactly what is needed to keep us in our place.

Hope could be another manufactured concept.

With hope in your brain, you keep on keeping on. Keep getting up, keep going to work, keep performing and obeying.

If hope was totally eradicated, society would collapse because what we all do every day is meaningless without the hope of getting somewhere better.

The hope of a better job, the hope of hitting the lottery, the hope of a better life, the hope of peace of mind.

One hell of a lot of people have lost hope. You can see it in their eyes. But if everybody lost hope the world would come to a screeching hault.

Which would not be a bad thing. Maybe give us one last chance to get it right.

I want hope to be real. What passes for hope in me is continually being eroded and chipped away and poisoned.

Yet hope still pulses in a lonely corner in my brain, mal-nourished and friendless.

I may wake up one day to find I have been duped.

I suggest you avoid me on that day.

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