Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ted Bundy, Serial Killer and Aspiring Politician

Watched a movie on Ted Bundy last night. Wow. What a sicko. This serial killer thing is really getting under my skin. Fascinating stuff.
Bundy was a brutal, vicious psycho who for a brief period had a promising career in politics. Makes you look at this year's republican Presidential candidates with a new eye.
All these killers had different reasons for their career choice, they all had their own sexual preferences, they all went about their jobs differently.
They all had twisted anger coiled up inside and bizarre justifications for explaining their behavior, always believing they were accomplishing something.
These guys were not too different than most of us except there was no line of demarcation between thinking and doing.
We are all twisted and dented by our parents, life kicks us around pretty good and supplies a heaping helping of disappointment, compared to a teaspoonful of happiness or success or freedom every fifteen or thirty years. We are all shackled to jobs that rip our guts out and paychecks that shrink our lives down to Lilliputian proportions.
All that anger and disappointment and massacred hope bubbles and churns inside of us and grows more bitter as we grow older.
But we don't run around brutally killing people. Even people we hate. Even people who deserve to be killed.
But how fine is that line? The new trend in mass murder is these shoot 'em ups that have been happening with increasing frequency. Maybe that's a little easier to do because you are not right up in somebody's face bludgeoning them or torturing them. Impersonal serial killing. We are great at innovation in this country.
Life is getting more difficult for more people every day in 2012 and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of unstable people out there. I am not saying there will be a huge upswing in serial killers, but I do believe violence is escalating in this country and much of it is fueled by hatred, frustration, prejudice and a very warped perspective.
Timing is everything. I was just interrupted by a phone call telling me I did not get the job I interviewed for yesterday. While I am advancing my theory on and fascination with, serial killers.

1 comment:

  1. I found one of your “Whiskey Wisdom” business cards and the title intrigued me so I checkout out your site.

    I was blown away by most of your subject matter. Your political ideas are right on in my mind and I like the loving things you say about your family and your pets. But, I was having a hard time reading about how you feel about serial killers and I found I could not stop reading. I was like a person riding by an accident…you don’t want to look but you cannot stop looking, so I kept reading.

    I have to say you frighten me. The demonic thoughts you have, the low self esteem you seem to have, and the amount of whisky you say you consume are truly alarming!

    I truly hope you come to realize what you have and learn to enjoy it all!

    A concerned new reader.
