Wednesday, July 30, 2014


"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."


We all run around whining about how busy we are and how little time we have.

I find this amusing because I think it applies to every generation no matter the time or the place.

17th century folk didn't have "smart" phones, 300 inch TV's, and all the other technological distractions we have today. They also didn't have toilets, cars, planes, lawn mowers, snow blowers etc.

Their time was consumed simply in survival. And it was hard work.

Do you think they felt there wasn't enough time in the day?


We allow ourselves to be distracted by life in whatever form it takes, and miss out on the real meat, the substance of what it means to be alive.

Why I just found out today that I have two sons - one married, one with serious intent. One is 34 years old, the other 30.

I never noticed because I have been so damn busy.

How the hell else could sixty years have gone by at the speed of light?

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

I think this means we don't know how to spend our time wisely.

Case closed.

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