I am so disgusted with New Hampshire. I want to think that our free thinking, rebellious spirit is tempered with intelligence. Then I saw a Perry for President sign in my own town. Idiots.
And now this.
Four republican members of the New Hampshire House are supporting a legal challenge brought by Orly Taitz (idiot, and a California lawyer) questioning President Barack Obama's right to be on the Democratic primary ballet. She questions the validity of his birth certificate and Social Security number.
The four NH reps are Harry Accornero (idiot), Larry Rappaport (idiot), Lucien and Carol Vita (idiots).
I wonder if any of them run around with bedsheets over their heads at night.
These people are disgusting and should be immediately ousted from office without benefit of a trial just for wasting the legislatures time. New Hampshire might be better off than the national average unemployment-wise but I still come into contact with many people who are struggling and suffering. And there are lots of other substantive issues to be dealt with in this state. Real issues that affect people's lives.
republicans continue to make a mockery of our political process while completely avoiding the issues that threaten to bring this country down.
I am sick of it, I am livid and so are a hell of a lot of other people (OWS). This type of incompetence should be punished severely. If voting was fueled by intelligence, not one republican would survive their next election. And President Barack Obama would be guaranteed a second term.
But politics in this country does not work that way. We allow for a lack of professionalism that drags the average intelligence quotient of the political world below that of a kindergarten student. And these assheads are not even embarrassed. They are proud to put their stupidity and lack of concern for this country openly on display.
If I went into The Booze Emporium tomorrow and held everything up, stopped people from shopping, so I could conduct an experiment supporting my theory that placing bottles upside down on the shelves can increase sales, I would be fired. On the spot.
These morons should be treated the same way.
I will go to each of their websites and tell them so, because I have to get this out of my system. But I know I am wasting my time. Nothing will change and they will dismiss ME as a crackpot.
Wake up, America. Your future is being sabotaged by small minded, unintelligent, blindly partisan fools.
Great post.
ReplyDeleteThere are small minded folks everywhere you go, Check out Arizona government for more ignorance. What most of these politicians fail to embrace is the fact that they were not voted in by huge numbers, most were only barely voted in by small percentages. If politicians in this divided country cant find some middle ground to go forward with,and unite this country, why bother calling themselves America's civil servants. Remember it's united we stand , divided we fall. Remember who you serve, not just the special interest groups that fund your beach house.