Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What If I Am Jesus Christ?

What if I am Jesus Christ and I don't know it? This could be the source of all my angst.
Maybe my spirit knows who I am but my fragile, flawed human brain does not. Maybe there is a war going on there that keeps me off balance, fills me with anxiety and a sense of not knowing who I am, where I should be and what I should be doing.
Maybe every time I sin, my essence slaps my wrist. Or soul. Or conscience. Keeping me bewildered.
This could apply to you as well. I am not the only potential Jesus candidate.
Maybe you are Jesus and you don't know it. Even as a woman. Jesus digs chicks.
Are you depressed and confused? Out of sorts and out of place?
Turn off the TV and dig deep into yourself. Take a look around. It might blow your mind.
This is just a concept. You have to explore all possibilities in life.
This whole religion thing is mysterious at best. Nobody knows a damn thing.
So why not explore a ground breaking concept?
As I think about this, if every one of us was a potential Jesus it would radically alter human interaction. Kind of like the horse essence thing I mentioned when discussing I'll Have Another.
I'm still investigating.
I'll get back to you.
In the meantime treat me nice. Just in case.

1 comment:

  1. That's accurately described how I feel about myself and everything.
