Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Word Of Caution

Cruising in to work on the back roads this morning, drinking in the sunshine like it was Crown Royal. My god it was spectacularly beautiful and I was thinking spectacularly beautiful thoughts.
Until I saw the Romney sign. A BIG Romney sign blotting out a portion of my view.
I was past it in a second, but it shattered my reverie for minutes.
I'm going to begin this with my expected rant about republicans, and then I'll try to approach it in a more dignified manner.
republicans are scum. Immoral, amoral, racist, lying bastards. I hated politicians before I ever delved into politics, but in the last four years, because of republicans, I have no patience for them, they disgust me, they are worthless human beings. Worthless even as fertilizer. If you ground them up and seeded your garden with them nothing would grow. I'll cut Democrats some slack but I will not back off on republicans. They turn my stomach.
The new approach is to paint President Obama as anti-capitalist, anti-free market. Insinuating that since these reflect the core of the American economy, he is un-American. That he is a socialist. And of course the economy is a huge issue in this election.
Immediately after he was elected, before he ever set foot in the White House, republicans began a campaign of discrediting him with the focus being that he is un-American, he is different, he is exotic. They used every slur they could, except the one truth that was driving all this.
He is BLACK.
And they knew there are plenty of Americans willing to line up behind this hatred because they are racially prejudiced.
The election is coming up quickly. I am asking you to pay attention. Listen to what the republicans say. Get beneath their words and examine the facts. Because their words are lies.
It won't take a lot of effort on your part. There is this thing called the internet. You can easily verify whether or not claims being made are true or not.
You can investigate the things they accuse President Obama of, and decide for yourself whether or not they have any merit.
I am willing to bet anything that you will catch republicans and Romney in lie after lie after lie. I know that you will not catch President Obama in any lies.
It is dangerous to take what republicans say at face value. They are playing on the fear everyone feels due to a shaky economy and even shakier employment situations. They are firing up racial prejudice. They are acting like school kids who make fun of the new kid who transferred from a foreign country. Or even another state.
republicans trivialize our political process and magnify the worst traits of the American public.
The fate of this country hangs in the balance.
It's simple. Do you want a Romney in the White House? A guy with no backbone and no convictions. A guy who goes along with this dangerous game of painting the President of The United States as un-American.
Or do you want an intelligent man in the White House who has handled enormous problems as best he could, in the face of absolutely no cooperation from republicans.
And single handedly kept this country moving.
Check his record carefully. Go beneath the surface. Make the effort.
The campaign the republicans and Romney are waging is shameless.
We are all better than that.

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