"I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting."
President Barack Obama said that last night in his victory speech and it stirred my soul.
America got it right last night. In 2008 I believed President Obama's election was a fluke; I had no idea how it happened because I could not believe Americans were smart enough or could get past their prejudice enough to elect this man president.
I feel a lot more excited this time around. He was successful in large part due to the backlash of voters to the incompetents that republicans ran for office, led by Mitt Romney. I was watching Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning and the panel was attacking republicans for running "loons" that embarrassed the party. The criticism was led by Steve Schmidt, who was John McCain's campaign manager, and Joe Scarborough who is a staunch republican and conservative. They were talking about the Senate races and not about Romney, but I do include Mitt.
What makes me feel so good is that it appears that voters are thinking, they are learning, they are using their vote to defeat dangerous, regressive policies, they recognize lies and stupidity and refuse to swallow it. I think that is a huge transformation for the voting public and it gives me hope, hope that the seeds of what President Barack Obama planted in his first term will grow into a new day, a new way, a more intelligent, progressive, informed and aware public and political approach that can give back to the people of this country what they deserve.
A chance.
The people who criticized the president for not solving every problem in four years are foolish. The problems were enormous and a republican Congress fought him on every single initiative. President Clinton said that NO ONE could have solved every issue that President Obama had to deal with in four years. He knows, he has been there, he has inside knowledge.
Given another four years to continue to fight for what is right I think we will see enormous change in this country. Mind blowing change that will improve our lives and give us a chance and give us hope. Because The Prez really is sincere and he is remarkably intelligent and he knows that our political system is broken and that it has to be fundamentally changed to get this country on the right track.
He needs republicans to stop acting like children, to start acting like adults and to work together with Democrats to make this country strong again.
I'm not sure how that will go. I heard comments that Boehner made last night that suggest to me that the House will continue to oppose The Prez unilaterally. I heard comments Boehner made today that sound more compromising. If they work with him, great things can be achieved. If they continue to play juvenile games, we will all continue to suffer and I think they should be punished. I recommend execution but others may believe that is a bit harsh.
We have to look beyond this term. If a republican slithers into The White House in 2017, all will be lost. We have to begin working right now to insure a consistent Democratic reign. Twelve more years might be enough to change the direction of this country, and to reform the political culture in a way that makes government responsive to the urgent needs of the average American.
More evidence of change, more reason for hope.
Last night, for the first time ever, a ballot measure against same sex marriage (in Minnesota) was defeated. And for the first time ever, voters said yes to same sex marriage in Maine, Maryland and Washington state.
Voters in Washington State and Colorado approved ballot initiatives legalizing recreational marijuana use.
I am excited today. It feels to me that we are beginning to see real change in this country, deep rooted, fundamental change, change that can revive America and improve our lives. The kind of change I thought I would never see.
At lease partially attributable to the intelligence, the morality, the toughness, the vision, and the determination and inspiration of one man.
President Barack Obama.
That is stunning and amazing and I am so glad to be alive to experience it.
I feel hope. For this country. And for me. I have been feeling lost recently. President Obama's words rejuvenated my soul last night. I can do anything I want to do "so long as I have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting."
I hope the next four years are the best of my life.
And if they are, the credit must go in part to President Barack Obama.
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