When you buy a bunch of bananas, man, you are immediately thrust into a high pressure situation.
I don't know if it has always been this way, or if the current banana situation is a result of climate change or corporate greed or supply chain inefficiency...............but bananas ripen at an alarming rate when you bring them home.
Carol went food shopping yesterday, brought home some bananas. I love bananas. Fucking love them. Carol hates them. The fact she would even handle them is deep testimony to her love and dedication towards me.
Had a bowl of Corn Chex this morning and I sliced up one of those bad boys onto the Chex and chowed that concoction in gleeful and healthy delight.
Walked the bowl into the kitchen for formal placement into the dishwasher and my eyesight was drawn to the kitchen counter and the remaining bananas. Holy shit, man - there are 5 or 6 more of those goddamn things just waiting to be consumed............or trashed. All of them already have some coloration going on.
Talk about pressure.
Fortunately I have the day off from work. I can really dedicate myself to banana consumption.
The timing is perfect. I really have to lose weight. I am forced to get around on my hands and knees because my 5'7" frame cannot handle 785 pounds standing upright. I am really tired of crows landing on my back and pecking at my ears.
Gonna try to recapture some variation of exercise in some form or fashion today. Something, anything, that will burn calories, build muscle and hack off poundage. Anything that doesn't blow out my knee.
Gonna eat healthy.
I am gonna eat so many bananas in one day that my skin will take on a yellowish hue.
Which could be effective camouflage for the possibility that I may be entering the cirrhosis of the liver era of my life.
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