Mitt Romney is trash.
I say that in humble objectivity.
When the tragedy in Libya occurred, Romney marked the occasion by saying "It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."
Those are despicable words. Another insulting comment for which Romney should be disqualified from the presidential campaign.
I am serious about that. He is using inflammatory words to rile people up against the President. In keeping with the consistent republican message that President Obama is not American, is un-American and weak.
September 11, 2001 established a climate of fear in this country, a climate of doubt. republicans use that irrational fear as a weapon against the President. Romney's words will stir up impressionable people into believing the President is our enemy.
Disgusting beyond belief.
His comments are also in keeping with the consistent republican slur that President Barack Obama apologizes for this country.
Early in his Presidency President Obama while traveling abroad made clear that the U.S. is not beyond reproach. He said the U.S. at times acted "contrary to our traditions and ideals" in its treatment of terrorist suspects, that "America has too often been selective in its promotion of democracy", that the U.S. "certainly shares blame" for international economic turmoil and has sometimes shown arrogance towards allies.
He was not apologizing. He was telling the truth. Which takes guts. Which Romney does not have.
The republicans' definition of patriotism is flag waving mindlessness, slogans, empty words, fist pumping chest bumping stupidity.
The true definition of patriotism is love of country balanced with a desire to correct its faults. That is an intelligent approach. It is an honest approach. This country has a lot to apologize for, not the least of which is the shameful way our own citizens are manipulated and lied to.
In the current Romney hidden video scandal he has truly revealed himself as a condescending rich man and a bigot.
The 47% voter comment is so insulting I am amazed there has been no revolutionary uprising. Burning of Romney campaign signs etc.
"People who are dependent on government, people who believe they are victims, people who believe they are entitled to health care, food, housing, people who pay no income tax, people who will not take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
There is a Tax Policy Center study that indeed suggests that 46% of Americans pay no federal income taxes.
Here's why.
Half of those - roughly 23% of households - do not pay income taxes because their household income is below the minimum threshold that would result in an income tax liability. Which, by the way, is $26,400 for a couple with two children.
Three quarters of the remaining 23% had their federal tax liabilities offset by tax credits for the elderly and tax credits for children and the working poor. Tax credits supported by Democrats and republicans.
Sorry to bore you with all the stats but the bottom line is that all but 6% of the 46% pay no federal income tax because they are working poor and elderly whose tax obligation is offset by standard deductions and targeted tax credits.
Legally and appropriately.
Which we probably cannot say about Romney himself.
Of course wrapped up in all of this is the unspoken suggestion that we have a black President whose supporters are all on welfare.
On Latinos:"If the Hispanic voting bloc becomes as committed to the Democrats as the African-American voting bloc has in the past why, we're in trouble as a party and, I think, as a nation."
As a nation?
Vile and disgusting words. Can you impeach a candidate? Let's set a precedent.
I have talked here about only two comments Romney made in that video. There are many more comments that reveal his true nature. Please check the video out if you are an undecided voter.
Here is the source of the depth of my disgust.
Polls show Romney still running close to the President.
If voters in this country were intelligent, Romney would be polling at zero %. The fact that he is not demonstrates beyond argument that racism runs rampant in this country, that voters are unintelligent and uninformed, and easily swayed by lies and innuendo, which are republican strong points.
They are easily swayed because they want to be swayed. They are not smart enough to research the truth, they want lies to grab onto to justify their racist hatred.
Yeah this country has a hell of a lot to apologize for.
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