Watching Meet The Press this morning, discussion about the tragedy in Libya and Carol made a prescient (I told you I love that word) comment.
She said if the situation were reversed, wouldn't we be going crazy in this country?
I thought about that.
Imagine someone in Libya making a video say, trashing American rednecks.
Let's pretend they portrayed them as pick up driving (full size, none of that pretend truck sh**), gun toting, beer swilling, flag flying, racist, sixth grade dropout cretins.
Just for the sake of argument.
Let's say redneck nation got a hold of this video and went nuts. Attacked the Libyan embassy in Washington causing madness and mayhem. Waving signs, firing guns, flinging Natty Light cans on the lawn and singing Born In The USA.
Let's say Libya sent troops over here to protect their embassy.
How do you think the rednecks would react?
Do you consider these reactions to be believable?
I do.
We look down on rebels in other countries, on violent reactions and passionate ideologies.
We think we are better than them.
We are not.
And before anybody skewers me, I am not belittling the deaths of four Americans. I am horrified by it. I am always horrified by death. Any death.
What happened was wrong and the perpetrators should be punished severely.
I am belittling our holier than thou attitude.
We are a nation of hypocrites, and will never truly set an example for the rest of the world until we find a way to be honest with ourselves and about ourselves.
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