I'm feeling incredibly beset upon tonight.
I'm going to indulge in a human moment.
As I do this I feel that I am speaking for millions of people. I know that I am.
Monday was Reality (?) Day One after a magnificent weekend. My job has proven to be such a dead end job that every second I spend in that building is a waste of MY LIFE.
I despise it. So it was tough being there yesterday. On top of that I worked an eight hour shift as a part timer, got home at 8:15, went to bed at 9:30, got up at 5:30 this morning to turn around to be there at 7:00 this morning to open the store, do a phony baloney mini inventory and crunch through another eight hour shift.
Major effort for which I will not be paid one dime extra or be promoted or recognized in any way for contributing WAY above and beyond my job description.
I have never before given a s**t about job descriptions until I started getting USED by the unscrupulous people I currently work for.
I had to motor to the bank to make last night's deposit this morning. When I climbed back into my truck the brakes went. Plunged to the floorboards with a little bit of grab.
I decided that I could make it back to the sacred store and risked it and made it.
I put the management of the store over my own safety. And I will NEVER be thanked for that in any meaningful way.
Checked the brake fluid reservoir - empty - looked under the truck - leaking. Arranged for a tow and my lovely wife to leave work early and pick me up.
The mortgage is due this week. We were already sweating it. I had a deposit envelope in my truck which I was going to rush to the bank with the leftover cash from Our Weekend.
I had to turn a chunk of that over to Tow Truck Bob.
So many people in this country live this way. It is heartbreaking.
My back up arrived just before we opened the store and she was agonizing over the fact that her refrigerator died this morning. Had no clue what she was going to do about it because of financial concerns.
My buddy E showed up a couple of hours later and was uncharacteristically quiet because he is having problems with his daughter.
The Booze Emporium was a negative life zone today because of what we all go through because we have no independence, no freedom, no control, no hope.
For me it was an emotional one-two punch. Day One - Somebody else's definition of reality. Day Two - a broken truck that we cannot afford.
Life is one harsh motherf***er when you have no money.
It is so wrong. So unfair.
And we all endure it because that's just the way it is.
Well I don't believe that's just the way it is. I think something is wrong. I think there is a horrible vibe that knocks us wee folk off stride and allows us to be taken advantage of.
I am looking for nuclear courage to fight back.
For me.
And for you.
Yesterday and today really really sucked.
For all of us.
I don't know about you but I am getting damn tired of meaningless, soul sucking days.
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