Tuesday, August 13, 2024

All Things Considered

 Happy Anniversary to Me!

Exactly two weeks ago Dr. D hacked my real knee out of my body and replaced it with some bionic shit.

I am actually walking around my kitchen a bit WITHOUT a walker. Living dangerously, baby - living dangerously.

I want to go to the nearest cool bar, order up a beautiful medium rare blue cheese burger, down two ice cold Blue Moons and two shots of Crown, and fucking laugh.

But there is a catch. The only chair I can sit in is my recliner. A kitchen chair, or my office chair brings on high-powered pain. Unfortunately this is normal at this stage.

A bar stool could result in amputation.

So, guess I'll celebrate by watching Law & Order with Carol. Grunt my way through 3 workouts between now and 6:00. Maybe watch some sports. Have a beer.

Not exciting, but it could be worse.

All things considered.

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