Saturday, August 17, 2024

I Can Do It Again

 As of today I have been home for 18 days after getting me a new knee.

Two days ago I started walking around the house without a walker or a cane. That is World Record shit, baby.

The average estimate for unassisted walking after knee replacement is 6 weeks. More agressive estimates fall between 3 to 4 weeks.

I got them both beat - by a lot.

I'm not bragging. Yes I am. But I am also here to tell you I learned something about myself.

One month before sugery I upped the intensity of my preparations. Exercising like a pig-donkey. Remember?

Since I got home I have been working myself hard. Through pain, fatigue, and an occasional "I don't want to fucking do this" moment.

I made myself do it.

And I am way ahead of the curve.

I am a lazy man. I don't commit to anything. I talk a big game but rarely back it up. Those are just the facts.

This time is different. I made a commitment to myself and I backed it up with action. "Watch what they do, not what they say." I have been cleared for outpatient therapy. The therapist told me she knew I would be ready quickly because the muscle tone in my legs was good upfront. And she could see upfront that "I am committed and not afraid of pain."

When she left yesterday I felt good about myself. Real good. Proud of what I can do. And pride executed self-doubt, worry, baseless anxiety. I felt strong and calm and at peace with myself.

I have been rambling on about using this knee thing as a springboard for changing my life, changing who I am. This is a great fucking start. Stage One was a smahing success. Stage Two starts Monday.

I made a promise to myself and I delivered.

I can do it again.

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