Sunday, August 11, 2024

Clubber Lang Got It Right (But Rocky Won)

 In Rocky III Clubber Lang is asked "What's your prediction for the fight?"

He says "My prediction? Pain!" He could have been talking about knee replacement surgery.

This fucking knee thing ain't nothing but pain. I turned a bit of a corner this weekend, I am doing the exercises - working them hard - started walking around my kitchen without the walker, in under two weeks!

Bottom line - I have come a long way in a short time but it still fucking hurts. IT HURTS!

BUT I DID turn a corner. The pain no longer owns me - I own the fucking pain. Heel slides are by far THE hardest exercise I do. And probably the most important. From Wednesday last week through this past Thursday, I had to take deep breaths, psyche myself up, and deal with that fucking exercise from an apprehensive place. Suddenly on Friday my whole attitude changed - I was like "you will not beat me motherfucker, I am not afraid of you, I will take your punishment and spit in your face."

And I pulled my leg back further than I ever had. Again yesterday, again today.

Previously I felt almost sick, a lot.  A little nauseous from time to time. Constant exhaustion and pain, discomfort, worry. Psychologically and physically beat down.

Suddenly I am feeling confident. I feel so much better mentally and physically. And I am attacking the workouts.

Still hurts. Still stiff as hell. Sometimes I'm sitting in my chair feeling pretty good and I'll suddenly get a bolt of pain, or throbbing, or discomfort out of nowhere.

But I am no longer taking any of this lying down. I will win this fucking war and come back stronger.

Don't forget, Clubber Lang predicted pain but he lost the fucking fight!

Cue the music - Gonna Fly Now.

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