Friday, August 16, 2024

Yesterday (Like Mardi Gras)

Snagged myself a new knee on July 30 - home on July 31.

I have not been outside this house since.

It is wearing thin but, really, I could not get out of here without killing myself until recently. At this point I can go for rides with Carol - I can't drive yet - maybe this weekend. Defintely Monday - I start outpatient physical therapy then. Anyway..................I have been homebound for weeks now.

Yesterday one of my best friends in the world came to see me. Dave. My good, good friend since 1977. Coming up on fifty years, baby. He made a two hour round trip just to check up on me.

We had a great conversation, great visit.

Simultaneously, Carol's car had to be picked up from being repaired. I couldn't get her there because I can't drive.  Amanda stepped up to drive Carol to the repair place and of course she had Jackson with her. So when Carol, Amanda, and Jackson got back, Dave was here. Amanda and Jackson stuck around to visit with me.

Mardi Gras, baby! So good to have people to shoot the shit with. People I love. It really hit home how much their company meant to me yesterday - an oasis of comfort amidst pain and weird-new-knee shit. Got my mind off of tough things and on to real things.

Craig followed Carol to drop her car off last week (fucking thing has been in there for a week - fortunately it only cost $78,000 to fix) - so I got to visit with him and Jackson that night.

After they left yesterday, the in-home therapist showed up to clear me for take-off. She had her fancy plastic knee torture measurer with her. I had to be able to contort my knee to 90 degrees to get approval to move on to outpatient therapy.

I scored a 96, baby - I do NOT fuck around.

Awesome visit with family and friend, and I passed the audition for outpatient therapy.

Yesterday was fucking Mardi Gras for me, baby!

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