If Romney had even a minuscule amount of the balls that John McCain has, I might take him semi-seriously.
But he doesn't, he's a clown, I cannot respect him. To vote for Romney is to commit an act of treason against the government of these United States.
During the 2008 election I was crazy go nuts. I kept a notebook. I alternately went to McCain's website and President Obama's website.
I compared their views, their campaign promises against each other.
Want to know why?
Because McCain said things that made sense to me. I was not a blind supporter of President Obama. I tried to get informed, to listen to both sides, to make the right decision.
Of course when McCain introduced Palin onto the scene, all respect was lost.
She was a moron then, she is a moron now.
If Walter Cronkite or Chet Huntley and David Brinkley were still doing the news you wouldn't even see her moronic face on the tube. They would not waste their time on her.
A stringy haired, ultra uneducated, idiot woman called Barack Obama an Arab at a McCain campaign function in 2008. McCain grabbed the mic from her and said Obama is not an Arab, he is a decent guy, a guy who deserves our respect, a guy who would make a good president.
He got booed. That took balls.
Michelle Bachmann, another moronic elected official who should be institutionalized rather than serving in an American institution, recently accused Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff of being involved with "The Muslim Brotherhood."
McCain took to the Senate floor to defend the honor of Clinton's deputy chief.
In both cases, and others, McCain risked pissing off his constituents to take the high road.
I am not a lifelong student of McCain's career, but my understanding from things I have read is that before he got into the 2008 presidential campaign, he had guts, standing up for what he believed to be right regardless of partisan politics.
The campaign compromised him somewhat, and now these idiotic tea party jerk offs have compromised him even more as he tries to protect his career.
Nevertheless, Romney would NEVER stand up like that.
He hides information, he changes positions like a chameleon, he offers no concrete proposals for change and positive movement, he travels to Europe and pisses off world leaders.
He is the perfect stereotype of the mindless, spineless, paid for politician who stands for nothing but himself and the interests of those who contribute the most to his campaign. He knows nothing about the fear and torture of the middle class because he has been so far removed from it since the day of his birth.
And he doesn't care. He doesn't care about unemployment rates, undervalued homes, plundered retirement accounts, the death of social security and medicare because these things don't affect him or his ultra rich supporters.
Romney could learn from John McCain but he won't. Because Romney is stupid, callous and condescending.
If he wins this country is dead.
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