I have been railing against the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission for some time now.
Many of you think these are the empty words of a disgruntled employee.
They are not.
On Thursday, August 23, NH House Speaker William O'Brien appointed an eleven member committee, The Special Committee to Review and Reform the NHSLC, to investigate a number of recent allegations.
The allegations include illegal lobbying, illegal oppression of state officials, warehousing product of local manufacturers, bootlegging, hiding documentation from lawmakers, misallocation of $100,000 in wine and improper bid documents for a liquor warehouse contract.
Bootlegging? You have to love that.
In one of my rants a while ago I said this business is similar to prohibition days except booze is legal and the gangsters wear cheaper suits.
Apparently I was not far from the mark.
The fact that they are accused of all these things does not mean they are guilty of them but where there is smoke there is fire. Previous scandals, along with the deeply disrespectful way they insult, exploit and lie to their employees make the charges easily believable.
These people are thugs.
What I like about this is that O'Brien is one of those sleazy, idiot republicans who wants to destroy all freedoms in America. I have had a blog entry stewing over him for a long time.
The indiscretions he is accusing the liquor commission of are precisely the type of things republicans worship. Lying, cheating and stealing.
Either he is grandstanding, or he feels these violations are even beyond the type of immorality republicans endorse.
Either way he is motivated to ride this thing to the end. These scurrilous dogs have created too much negative publicity for themselves.
The heat is on....................
I was recently screwed for yet another job opportunity. Never interviewed for a job I was qualified for, and beat out for the job by someone who is eminently less qualified than me. I was also blatantly lied to by the low life human resources department.
This time there is backlash. There are a number of unfortunate liquor commission employees who have been screwed and lied to by human resources. The situation is being looked into on a couple of different fronts.
The New Hampshire State Liquor Commission is under attack from within and from without.
They have brought it on themselves through hubris.
They are criminals who are robbing the taxpayers of the state of NH and robbing employees by unjustifiably denying them the chance to earn more money in an economy where people are suffering.
No retribution can be harsh enough for these pond scum.
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