Christmas is on the way.
It has skidded around turn four and is screaming down the home stretch.
Have you noticed? Today is December 10. Fifteen days to go.
What are you going to do? Ignore it? Blow it off? Pretend it doesn't matter?
Don't be an idiot.
At its most basic level, Christmas is a break from the norm. That alone makes it worthwhile.
Your life is boring. Every fucking work-day is the same. Every fucking weekend is the same. Every morning is the same. Every night is the same. You say the same things, you do the same things, you see the same people, you wear the same clothes, you watch the same shows. You are bored to death.
You hate your fucking job, you hate your tiny bank account, you hate your goddamn life.
Even all the Merry Christmases dripping off of peoples' lips - rarely heartfelt, automatic, spoken by rote - but still, better than "How do you like the cold?" At the very least it is different - and something you only experience once a year.
Sex is the only other thing you experience once a year, and you know how good that feels.
So dig on this Christmas shit. Pretend you have a life. What's the harm? Let's get that dopamine flowing, baby.
You don't even have to do anything. You don't have to go Christmas shopping, you don't have to put up a tree, you don't have to mail Christmas cards. Just be. Christmas will come to you. It is unavoidable.
I hate the people who say Christmas is just another day. These are the same idiots who say "Retire? Why would I retire? What would I do? I would be bored." Fucking idiots. Like your life could possibly be any more boring that it already is. And like you don't secretly hunger to retire. Fucking hypocrites.
There are billions of people on this planet who can legitimately say that Christmas is just another day, and they say it with genuine sadness. They never say it. The people who do say it are fools who are trying to come across as tough. And revealing weakness as they do it.
I enjoy the oddness of Christmas. The otherness.
It does make me feel more alive. Even if most of it is done in ignorance, devoid of sensitive thought, "because this is what we do at Christmas", etc.
My environment is a different place at Christmas. I have a fucking tree in my living room, even if it is only two feet tall. And fake.
I have Christmas lights to meditate on.
Beats the shit out of the daily drudgery that sucks the marrow from my bones.
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