I feel so bad for Emmy Lou and Patsy.
And yet I appreciate their effort. They work so hard.
They spend every waking moment toiling in the dopamine factory, sweating over the assembly line, rarely taking breaks, wolfing down food and slurping water, focusing with laser-like intensity on the task at hand - keeping Carol and me happy. Deliriously so.
They are so good at it that we are grateful when they sleep (and they sleep deeply) because they make us so fucking happy that we actually need a break from time to time. Too much happiness unplugs the mind from "reality" and prevents us from paying bills and cleaning toilets.
But they are even tricky when they sleep - Emmy Lou in Carol's lap, Patsy in mine - are you fucking kidding me? They even produce dopamine while they slumber - maybe even more intensely.
They are godly scientists, working to reverse the aging process. Our bodies work furiously to disintegrate and rot, while Emmy Lou and Patsy work furiously to rejuvenate.
Thankfully, they are winning the war.
They are tireless and selfless.
They are Love.
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