I go visit Chiro Man yesterday out of desperation.
Walk into the office and am greeted by two impossibly upbeat women. I am guessing the philosophy is that a lot of the patients there are in pain, so the front line is going to smother everybody with smiles and positivity.
I was immediately on high alert.
Meet the Doc and he is five feet tall. I'm thinking this dude with a Napoleon complex is going to have the fate of my spine in his hands.
He and I talk a bit, go over the history of my affliction, then it is time to poke and probe. He asks if x-rays were taken and I tell him yeah, they took them just a week and a half ago. He says with a hint of hopelessness that he can chase those x-rays down or just take some more. Right then and there.
I'm thinking that with Dr. Feelgood and the ridiculously conservative approach of the medical community, it would probably be 101 years before I'm cleared for more x-rays.
So I like Chiro Man already.
He zaps me with no concern, no worries.
Then he breaks out the Ghostbusters apparatus. Some thingy with a wheel to run up each side of my spine and a handle for him to guide it. It is making clicking noises as he runs it up my spine, I am watching the etch a sketch drawing as it appears on the screen in front of me.
I'm thinking what a scam and what a fool I must be.
I left thinking that even with the oddness, I am willing to bet on Chiro Man versus Dr. Feelgood.
I go back today to discuss the results. Regarding the x-rays, he tells me the same thing Dr. Feelgood did. Only with a much higher level of seriousness.
They both told me the x-rays indicated arthritic deterioration of the neck and spine.
Dr. Feelgood dismissed this offhand and said it had no impact on "the plan." (Physical therapy). The scumbag sent me a one sentence letter telling me so.
Chiro Man told me it was serious, especially at my age and that it is only going to get worse. He ran through the x-rays in detail and explained it all to me.
He told me he could help me deal with it.
Then he did.
He applied some kind of tiny jack hammer thing to my neck. It bounced up and down like a jack hammer and was pretty intense. Before he did that, he gently twisted my head to the right and left and forward and back, noting the difficulty of movement and the level of pain.
After the jack hammer, he did the head twisting again. Much more ease of movement, a definite easing of pain.
In two goddamn minutes. I felt better after two minutes with him than I ever did after 45 minute physical therapy sessions.
THEN he told me he is going on vacation. My next appointment is a week from Thursday.
Jesus hates me.
I have one pain pill left on a nonrefillable prescription. I called Dr. Feelgood at 9:00 a.m. this morning to get her to write me another prescription. As of 5:00 tonight she had not done so.
I cannot sleep without the pain pills. I tried last night. Couldn't do it.
Dr. Asshead will be getting a NASTY call from me tomorrow morning.
My gut always goes with the bizarre, the twisted, the unpredictable and the weird. Why I opted for physical therapy instead of chiropractic is beyond me.
I have confirmed that the established medical community in this country is a scam. They do not give a rats ass about their patients. They care only about their financial relationship with insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
From now on I will go with voodoo medicine every time. Give me Chiro Man, give me acupuncture, give me blood sucking leeches.
The established medical community preys on their victims when they are at their weakest. And they have the might of huge, corrupt, and amoral corporations behind them.
They should all burn in hell.
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