Monday, January 6, 2014

Please Jesus, Give Me The Lottery

Lord, I got me a day off today.

I could have slept until noon. I was up by 7:15.

I read a little and then went online to spend half an hour filling out forms for the chiropractor visit.

Then it was off to Chiro Man.

Got out of there, gassed up The Big Ride and stopped into the local "market" to buy stuff with which I will spoil Mrs. T at supper tonight.

Got home and jumped on the exercise bike.

Showered and ate a lunch consisting of broccoli and cauliflower.

The only liquids I have consumed today are coffee and water.

I have kissed and patted my cats repeatedly.

Can't you see? Don't you know?

If you throw a couple of mil my way I will be the best behaved boy in the history of lottery winners.

(After the humongous celebratory party, that is).

Just get me out of this working "for a living" jam and I will spread wholesomeness across the planet.

The only reason I drink whiskey the way I do is because you won't cut me a break. I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm just saying that my pack is all empty and my aces won't play.

Rain a little money down on me and there will be that much less evil polluting this world.

I will be a goddamn Boy Scout.

Nice talking to you.

P.S. - My next prayer will be to beseech your help in cleaning up the medical community.

But first things first.

My deposit slip is filled out with everything but the amount.

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