Sunday, March 25, 2012


Crank up the Wayback Machine kiddies, here we go again.
I applied for yet another job within the hallowed halls of the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission. This is #7. In a year and a half.
Three died on paper, three resulted in mock conversation/grillings with The Grand Inquisitor and His Minions.
There is a twist this time. The Grand Inquisitor has been fired. Excuse me, decided to retire early. Apparently the vermin scum who populate the commission decided he was too much of a vermin to remain in power. Or maybe they decided he wasn't enough of a vermin to do the job. That probably makes more sense.
He was the point man at all three of the actual "interviews." I shall miss him dearly.
Of course nothing has changed. The interview will be no more just. This organization thrives on agendas and backroom deals. And on condescension and soul sucking treatment of employees and employee wannabes like me. As a part timer I am partially invisible. Kind of like Marty McFly in Back To The Future. When they need me I am solidly visible. When they don't need me and especially when I "interview" for advancement, I become vaporous, barely recognizable as a human being. Not worth considering.
So the first step is waiting to see if the submission of the job app actually morphs into a real live "interview". Or dies on the vine. "Cancelled recruitment."
If they call me in, the fun begins. I realized early on that this is nothing but theater and I intend to treat it as such.
I built a cross. A friend will accompany me to the inquisition, wheel the cross into the interrogation chamber and set me up on it. Initially my hands and feet will be tied to the cross but I am bringing spikes and a hammer with me. My instructions to the interrogators will be as follows: "If this is a genuine interview I will answer your questions from the cross. However, if you are still just jerking me around, please gather up the spikes and drive them into my hands and feet and let's be done with it once and for all."
This will present an interesting dilemma for the vermin scum. The spikes will be the honest choice, but life forms like this don't have the guts to hurt people face to face; it has to be behind the back.
I'll keep you posted.

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