So I'm talking to my friend in Sweden yesterday - we shall call him Bjorn for the sake of security - and after we both ranted about how much our lives suck and we know we can do better, we ventured tentatively into the political arena.
This is dangerous ground because he is militantly anti-Obama. Please bear in mind that this guy is supremely intelligent. I keep telling him that I respect his right to vote republican but please give me a name of someone I can respect to go up against President Obama, someone other than the three clowns left standing.
Yesterday he said that he thinks that Romney will beat President Obama. I was blown away. If he had given me the name of somebody not currently in the race, that I could have dug because it probably would have been somebody worthy.
But Romney?
You got G, R, and S.
Gingrich is a vicious, braggadocious, lying fool and I guess at this point should not be considered a contender.
Romney is an obvious phony with no spine and zero leadership qualities. Grits my ass.
Santorum is the most frightening. A religious zealot who wants to force his religion down your throat. I mean, in 2012, a guy who can say with a straight face that contraception is bad because it promotes sex for pleasure is a regressive moron. He wants to make abortion illegal, he wants to ban contraceptives, he wants to install Jesus in the East Room of the White House. Santorum is unstable and extremely dangerous.
Bjorn has a unique viewpoint on our country because he has lived in a socialist country for many years now and is not impressed. Of course he digs the six weeks of vacation but he feels the socialized medicine things does not work. And there is wealth disparity and greed and corruption there as well. What disturbs me is him buying into the falsehood that President Obama is trying to socialize this country. He is trying to reform this country and make it more equitable, more civilized.
But if Bjorn buys into it, just think how many toothless, grizzled bearded voters buy into it, male and female.
Here's my point. I believe only idiots, the uneducated, religious zealots and racists could vote for any one of G,R or S. I know we have an almost unlimited supply of people that fit that description in this country but President Obama did get elected in 2008.
What makes me uncomfortable is that I always felt like his election was a fluke. Making me more uncomfortable is the realization that there are intelligent people willing to vote republican.
I cannot say this strongly enough. Anybody who would vote for Gingrich, Romney or Santorum for President and was not under the influence of LSD or a charismatic cult leader, does not deserve to live in this country.
I squirm as the election gets closer. Too many unstable variables.
Four more years of President Obama followed by eight years of Hillary would be divine. A republican in 2013 would be worse than being eaten alive by cannibals with swamp breath.
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