Still reading 500 Nations. And getting angrier and angrier. You are aware of this stuff because it is touched upon in history classes, in books, you watch documentaries on TV.
We read our history, we are aware of the atrocities, but we somehow absorb it and diminish it and go about our lives as if we have a right to be here. We should all at least feel a little guilt every single day, and be thankful that there is no more powerful nation out there who wants to colonize the 2012 version of America.
This book is written by an American Indian; it is much more detailed regarding the violence, the suffering, the betrayal, the bewilderment of a spiritual and advanced people at the hands of the supposed superior whites.
There are idiots out there who will argue this book is slanted to make treatment of Indians look worse (the same people who think Trayvon Martin got what he deserved).
Do you think our history books are truthful?
I am willing to bet all the money I have ($1.37) that this is a much more accurate description of the founding of this country.
Spaniards, Frenchmen, the Dutch, the Brits all wandered across the sea and immediately assumed the people they encountered were beneath them in every possible way. They treated them with contempt and called them savages.
The whites' prejudices, stemming from greed and stupidity, prevented them from realizing that these were a spiritual, loving, nature respecting, intelligent people who understood more about how to survive in dignity than we will ever know. The whites were confused by a different culture.
The whites were intimidated by intelligence.
That is a thread that runs right through the year 2012 in this country and will run right to the end of our existence.
Because there is no holistic shared accumulation of knowledge; we are unwilling to learn from the past.
The way it should work is that as each atrocity occurs, as each mistake is made, our society should absorb that information and learn from it, vowing not to repeat the same injustices. Our society would advance intellectually and spiritually until it would set a standard for all other societies to emulate.
Unfortunately we are either too stupid or vicious or petty or all of the above to do anything but repeat the past, and continue to drag the intelligence and moral level of this country down below the sight line.
Hence you have hatred, vile racial prejudice and continuous, unrelenting backlash against a President who is most likely the most intelligent we have ever had.
Our cretinous society is intimidated by his intelligence, and that of his administration, unable to understand his policies much like the Spaniards and the rest of the gang were unable to understand the lifestyle of the Indians.
The line is unbroken.
I have heard talk about a Hillary for President campaign after President Obama completes his second term. That would be a one two punch that would set this country reeling. One that I would relish.
Imagine eight years of a black president followed by eight years of a female president? That would give me hope that maybe the line could be broken.
Not a lot of hope given our history. But hope.
I keep thinking as I read 500 Nations, I wonder how things would have gone if the whites didn't have guns? Imagine if the battles were fought on equal footing?
Are you kidding me? Indians would have decimated and embarrassed these pseudo conquerors and kicked their asses back across the ocean.
And I would be living in Italy. Which would not be so bad because the language is beautiful and the food ain't half bad either.
I think the only evidence that exists to show that we learned from our bloody heritage is that we have built up a monstrous military presence in the world to keep others from doing to us what we did to Indians and African-Americans.
But more and more unstable countries are developing nuclear capabilities. Makes for an interesting twist in the equation.
Karma is a bitch, baby.
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