Look here's my point. There is no way in hell I was unqualified for three goddamn job "opportunities." Two that I interviewed for, one that was yanked away from me.
The highway store job was a stretch BUT I have been thrust into difficult situations before and dealt with them. There was nothing there that could scare me or that I couldn't adjust to.
The full time job I should have flat out got. Period.
And New London, for Christ sake. The store has 4 customers a day. Does $148.00 annually in sales. I could have easily slid into that semi-management position.
All this bullshit supports my point about the dark underbelly of the beast.
My interviews and almost interview were meaningless. There was a lot more going on there than meets the eye. They should have filmed the interviews. It was Hollywood. I could be a movie star now instead of a goddamn part time employee.
They went outside the organization to hire for New London. What does that say about these fools that their own organization apparently cannot groom people to step up? It says nothing because that is not the case.
And it says everything because there are qualified people left to twist in the wind.
The New Hampshire State Liquor Commission can kiss my ass.
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