Rats giggle when tickled by humans. Who knew? Who would even want to tickle a rat? Besides corporate executives.
This is heavy duty stuff. Research has been done where scientists actually tickled rats and supposedly recorded giggling. Or the rats' version of giggling. And the rats loved it so much they chased the guy's hand around the cage so he would tickle them some more. This discovery was made because the scientist was studying the play behavior of rats and thought he was hearing giggling or laughter.
There is a video on YouTube demonstrating this.
Go there. Watch it. It is quite disturbing. In a geeky sort of way.
The results are being linked to the ongoing study between the relationship of laughter and health. Also with some tie in to creating more effective antidepressants.
Think about this. Scientists are getting grants - MONEY - to do this type of research. How bizarre, how bizarre.
I want a grant. $250,000. I want to study the effects of getting paid exorbitantly for not working. I want to not work for one year and see how I change or adapt or react to this bizarre situation. In addition to the $250,000, the grant should include a Ferrari Testarossa, season's tickets to the Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics and PATS, unlimited access to Abe and Louie's, C.C. Tomatoes and Carabba's, a $15,000 gift card to New Hampshire State Liquor Stores, a $5,000 gift certificate to Men's Wearhouse, a $5,000 gift certificate to Coldwater Creek and front row seats to every Allman Brothers, Rolling Stones, Ray LaMontagne and Adele concert.
It would be a hardship for me to put myself under the microscope in this way, to step out into uncharted waters in the interests of scientific discovery.
But I am willing to give it a shot. I am brave that way.
I am filling out the forms as we speak. Where's that guy with the dollar signs all over his suit?
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