When I was a kid I liked to play Little Army in my backyard.
I would set up my plastic army guys in the grass and go to war.
In the meantime my brother and the neighborhood kids would be gathering to play Birdie Ball - a sport we invented. Used a birdie instead of a wiffle ball and a tennis racket instead of a bat. We should have patented the fucking game - I would be retired now.
They wanted me to join them. I would say "If you carry me over to the driveway, I will play."
And they would. I don't know why. They should have just spit on me.
When I was a kid my favorite game in the world was a board football game. Pick a play - run or pass - roll the dice and see how many yards you get. Or if you fumble or get intercepted. You could punt and kick field goals too. Move a marker up and down to track field position.
I used to keep win/loss records. I played various teams, but for some reason the dominant teams were the Chargers and either the Raiders or the Chiefs. I think the Chiefs. Those were the teams I played the most, and the teams I was excited about. I don't know why.
I could play the game alone. Which I did. Endlessly. Did not need anybody else. Defintely logged hundreds of alone hours playing this game, maybe thousands. I played it a lot. I loved it.
I always wanted to be alone as a kid.
Other than my family, I should have stuck to my guns.
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