Where does one find solutions?
John Lennon said "there are no problems, only solutions." I believe he was being overly optimistic there.
There should be a solutions store. Of course, if there was, it would be run by shysters who would sell you other peoples' solutions, leaving you to suffer and die.
How does one arrive at solutions?
They tell me you need a plan. So get yourself a plan. You can probably find one somewhere.
But there's gotta be a bridge between "plan" and "solution." Right? There's gotta be a way to get there.
Doing? Is doing "the bridge?"
I don't know. This is all so vague to me.
Apparently, some people are able to figure things out. Figure their lives out. To identify a problem, come up with a plan to deal with it, execute the plan, and arrive at the desired solution.
I don't know anybody like that. Neither do you.
Why do you think unhappy people outnumber happy people 1.3 billion to 1?
Solutions aren't real. Solutions are a concept. Concept is defined as "an abstract idea, a general notion."
You might be better off buying yourself some premium whiskey.
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